basics & premise |
thank you for showing interest in gunters! we admit that our community is going to be a wild ride, but we also want to provide a friendly environment where people feel welcomed while having fun and being incredibly creative! so to get started, here is a rundown for the basic rules of roleplay: please be mature, exercise general common sense, and mind the ic/ooc line so that it does not become blurred. of course if you see something and need help in any way, please do not hesitate to come to us. we promise to do the best we can to appease the situation and answer any questions as soon as we are able! a deleted application means you were rejected. it should be noted that we do excercise the right to refuse and deny inquiries about why an application was rejected. |
applying & activity |
applying to travelog is super simple! all we ask for is a backdated friend's only and contact post. your contact post should include the following information about your character: FULL NAME:examples will be required, though we only ask for two scenes and two narratives. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR APPLICATION IS COMPLETE WHEN YOU SUBMIT IT, THAT ANY EXAMPLES YOU'VE LINKED in the dropbox ARE UNLOCKED TO THE MOD JOURNAL, AND THAT YOU HAVE REQUESTED MEMBERSHIP here. USERNAMES may be ooc, but we ASK THAT YOU PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING UNNECESSARY UNDERSCORES, NUMBERS, OR X's. additionally, please make sure that your journal's friends list is cleared out if it's been used in other communities. currently, THERE IS NO CHARACTER LIMIT; HOWEVER, IF YOUR EXISTING CHARACTERS HAVE NOT BEEN REGULARLY ACTIVE, YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE DENIED. this may be subject to change later on at any time given the mod's discretion. it should be noted that none of your characters can work at the same attraction and/or role. after you've been accepted, you should be able to follow the instructions in the member's area to get started. everyone will have up to 48 hours to post an in-character introduction or face removals. the ACTIVITY CYCLE STARTS ON THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH. HOWEVER, ANYONE ADDED AFTER THE 15TH WILL ONLY BE REQUIRED TO POST THEIR INTRODUCTION. OUR ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH ACTIVITY CYCLE ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1 RANDOM POST: INSTAGRAM, GIF PARTIES, LYRICS, ETC.IF YOU ARE A RETURNING MEMBER AND WERE REMOVED FOR INACTIVITY OR FAILURE TO DROP OFF ACTIVITY LINKS, NOTE THAT YOU WILL NEED A WRITTEN UPDATE IN YOUR JOURNAL WITHIN THE LAST MONTH TO REAPPLY. PLEASE INCLUDE THIS LINK IN YOUR APPLICATION IN LIEU OF EXAMPLES. your updates cannot be backdated or hidden from the community, it must be visible for all to read! |
characters & plots |
we want to give free reign to our members so that they may do as they please with their characters! however, there are a few things that we would like to address specifically. first and foremost, all characters must be over the age of 18. be mindful of the 5 year gap when making your character older and/or younger. next, to keep things from getting out of hand, we will be placing caps and limits on certain positions. they are as follows: COSTUMED ROLES: 5 per should be noted that characters may only work at one park and/or resort. we realize that this isn't how it may work in real life, but for the sake of our gpsl, that's what we're sticking with. caps and limits may be adjusted simply depending on the resort, ride, and park. obviously magic kingdom may need more individuals in the costume department than epcot, there will be more employees working in the gift shops on main street in magic kingdom than a gift shop in animal kingdom, etc. please try to stay as realistic as possible, and keep in mind that disney has their own set of rules as well. when it comes to plots, we definitely plan on having tons! we are hoping to have at least one gpsl-wide plot going on per week (or at least per two weeks), though we certainly encourage members to plot individually and host their own events as well. we hope that these events will create interaction between our members and drive the community in its development. please remember: it often takes a village! if the majority aren't putting in the effort, we may change our rules in the future so that participation is mandatory since it isn't at the moment. additionally, we will try to incorporate holidays and seasons into our gpsl as much as possible as well! as previously mentioned, all we want is a friendly environment where people feel welcomed while being creative and having fun! |